Re: (RADIUS) MS Access

Thomas C Kinnen (
Fri, 10 Apr 1998 22:41:47 -0400

>Hello there; ok I've done a little research and have found a number of

>scripts that will help me in my efforts of tracking my users in the log
>files. I am running RADIUS 2.0.1b12 and I have turned on the accounting
>logging and I'm asking if anyone has any good forms/queries/reports (or a
>location with) for the MS Access database that RADIUS created during
>as this would be much better running things in access than in perl.

Don't send HTML to the list, it's not allowed.

To answer you question I have a number I use but found after 30,000 entries
the MS Access format had too many performance problems. If you have decent
usage look at the .MBD file for the user cache and use an SQL server for the
accounting table. Some of the queries I find helpful are

count(*) grouped by the connect information
count(*) grouped by the disconnect reasons
sum(time) grouped by users for a date range.


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