Re: (RADIUS) Radius Child process missing

Robert Hiltibidal (
Tue, 14 Apr 1998 08:40:13 -0500


We ran into this with radius 2.0 on a linux 2.0.33 system. Turns out when
we upgraded to 2.0.1 we started logging several combinations of the following:

Mar 20 16:23:23 grail radius[11849]: user_find: space in username
<(>IbuQx4?gHL# NBPA%0A> rejected
Mar 20 16:45:33 grail radius[12382]: user_find: space in username <
N~S2|3/Jrbmcjr> rejected
Mar 20 23:32:48 grail radius[21851]: user_find: space in username
<}xt~N=U]P{W_|:Iq;#SkX8|K~M$t\uT,p\#~N^~-\Z{g5Jo~O9*"gEs l~~ix9$> rejected

I do think someone was trying to give us problems. I fed those username to
radius 2.0 and guess what... It choked. We have our radius set up so there
are two daemon processes. I guess this is by default since we didn't alter
the source code. What these strings do is cause one process to die. The end
result is no authentication. Then the phones start ringing.


At 04:22 PM 4/11/98 +0700, Jerry A H wrote:
>Dear all,
>I am running Radius 2.0 (SUN-Solaris)
>for both the authentication and accounting server on the same machine.
>The manual says that "Radiusd spawns the Radius accounting
>server as a child process"
>But how come I still have only ONE radiusd daemon at all time.
>The authentication and accounting process running well.
>However, the radius daemon is dead almost 8 times per day.
>(I use crontab every minute to check the daemon and re - run the
>radiusd if its not there)
>Can anybody tell me what might be wrong ?
>Thanks a lot.
>Dewa Bonha.
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Robert Hiltibidal Office 217-544-2775
Systems Programmer Fax 217-527-3550
FGInet, Inc

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