Re: (RADIUS) URGENT - help with Netserver 8/I, Radius, etc.

Jordyn A. Buchanan (
Mon, 20 Apr 1998 16:53:34 -0400

>I am considering buying a Netserver 8/I Plus from another ISP ( to add
>more ports to my isdn/X2/analog rollover).
>The problem is that I have heard that the 4.xx versions of code have
>trouble being authenticated with Livingston's Radius.
>I also am curios if a Netserver 8/I Plus can handle code (if I
>load same version that I know works.
>Does anyone have any insights or comments for me regarding this issue?

In my opinion, the 4.xx Netserver/I code sucks. We use a lot of
Netserver/16s and have never had a particularly happy experience with the
non ComOS-derived
code from USR.

You should be able to "downgrade" the Netserver 8/I to 3.2 series code by
using the yucky DOS program that USR has for this purpose. I know that we
had success downgrading a box we had experimented with the new code on
using this mechanism.

As far as problems with Livingston RADIUS, we don't use it, so I can't
really comment. The problems we had did not relate to RADIUS.

Good luck,


|Jordyn A. Buchanan |
|Bestweb Corporation |
|Director of Technology +1.914.271.4500 |

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