Re: (RADIUS) Anyone using Cistron Radius? Specifically: Simultaneous-Use?

Don Papp (
Tue, 21 Apr 1998 14:25:17 -0600 (MDT)

> >perl script. I customized mine and don't use SNMP to check ports.
> But SNMP is the important bit! Without SNMP Cistron has all the same
> inherent problems as the other hacks! Relyign on RADIUS alone is NOT
> a good idea, SNMP is there to fill in the holes in RADIUS and MUST be
> used to have a complete solution.

I suppose - but doesn't Cistron cost money? Making a hack to
RADIUS may not be the best (bulletproof) solution, but it is good enough
for many applications, I would think. Any errors in the multi-login
detection can be made to be in the user's favor. Again, not bulletproof,
but a damn sight better than not having any protection at all. (And it's

I'd be interested in hearing about how others have accomplished
this (via email, unless it has call to interest the whole list, of

| Donald Papp
| Support Analyst
| OA Internet, Inc.

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