(RADIUS) (PM) Radius 2.1b2 (fwd)

MegaZone (megazone@megazone.org)
Wed, 22 Apr 1998 12:46:21 -0700 (PDT)

Once upon a time Jack Beech - President shaped the electrons to say...
>Was wondering if 2.1b2 solved the problem of not working with shell

1. This should be portmaster-radius, not -users.

2. RADIUS 2.1 is still in closed beta, and therefore anyone using it is
under a beta agreement and CANNOT talk about it with anyone else. ESPECIALLY
not on a mailing list.


<URL:mailto:megazone@megazone.org> Gweep, author, webmaster, human being, me
"A little nonsense now and then, is relished by the wisest men" 781-788-0130
<URL:mailto:megazone@gweep.net> <URL:http://www.megazone.org/> Hail Discordia!
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