Re: (RADIUS) Re: DBM version problem? (fwd)

Roy (
Sat, 25 Apr 1998 20:11:20 -0700

I didn't read the builddbm code until when this note came. It turns out
that builddbm will automatically renumber any entry starting with
"DEFAULT". So even if you number them DEFAULT1, DEFAULT4, DEFAULT5,
they will be corrected when the database is built.

MegaZone wrote:
> ....
> >Another gotcha is that the DEFAULT entry name must all be unique and be
> >consecutively numbered starting at 1.
> Actually no. Builddbm has been smart about this for a while now, it
> will number DEFAULT entires itself when building the dbm file from the
> flat file. Doing it with usernames would mean changing some of the
> intelligence in the RADIUS server, and that hasn't been done.

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