Re: (RADIUS) Anyone using Cistron Radius? Specifically: Simultaneous-Use?

Thomas Tsai (
Wed, 29 Apr 1998 11:18:42 -0500 (CDT)

At 4:21 PM -0500 4/21/98, Thomas Tsai wrote:
>What about modifying Cistron to use Telnet|sho ses (ala pmwho) instead?
>The performance difference between that and SNMP cannot be too great. The
>reason I am asking is because we have a combination of PM's and Total
>Controls, and the TC doesn't support Livingston-style SNMP. So would have
>to hack it to pmwho-poll it (works since it uses ComOS).
>Has anyone done this yet, successfully? (combination of PMs and TCs)

Thanks for all the input, guys. I've taken the time to do a hack job on
Cistron's It's crude and uses pmwho.c (which causes a split
second delay to check multiple logins, as opposed to no noticeable delay
with snmpget), but hey it works for me right now. Maybe it'll help some
people out there, here it is:

#! /usr/bin/perl
# See if a user is (still) logged in on a certain port.
# This is used by the cistron-radius server to check
# if it's idea of a user logged in on a certain port/nas
# is correct if a double login is detected.
# Called as: nas_type nas_ip nas_port login session_id
# Returns: 0 = no duplicate, 1 = duplicate, >1 = error.
# Version: @(#) 1.04 21-Sep-1997

# Config: $debug is the file you want to put debug messages in
# $snmpget is the location of your snmpget program
# $lvm is the Livingston SNMP MIB
#$debug = '';
$debug = '/tmp/checkrad.debug';
$snmpget = '/usr/bin/snmpget';
$lvm = '';
$pmwho = '/usr/local/sbin/pmwho';
# PM3: $lv_offs is where the last S port is before one or two
# ports are skipped (22 or 29, for US or Europe)
# $lv_hole is the size of the hole (1 or 2, for US or Europe).
$lv_offs = 29;
$lv_hole = 2;

# See if the user is logged in using the Livingston MIB.
# We don't check the username but the session ID.
sub livingston_snmp {

# First find out the offset (ugly!!). Also, if the portno
# is greater than 29, substract 2 (S30 and S31 don't exist).
# You might need to change this to 23 and 1 for the USA.
$_ = `$snmpget $ARGV[1] mitec $lvm.`;
($xport) = /^.*\"S([0-9]+)".*$/;
$xport += 0;
$portidx = $ARGV[2] + (5 - $xport);
$portidx -= $lv_hole if ($ARGV[2] > $lv_offs);
print LOG " using $xport offset for port / SNMPno translation\n"
if ($debug);

# Now get the session id from the terminal server.
$_ = `$snmpget $ARGV[1] mitec $lvm.$portidx`;
($sessid) = /^.*\"([^"]+)".*$/;

print LOG " session id at port S$ARGV[2]: $sessid\n" if ($debug);

($sessid eq $ARGV[4]) ? 1 : 0;

# See if the user is logged in using the Cisco MIB
sub cisco_snmp {
# Not implemented yet - should be easy based on livingston_snmp

# See if the user is logged in using the portslave finger.
sub portslave_finger {
my ($Port_seen);

$Port_seen = 0;

open(FD, "finger \@$ARGV[1]|");
while(<FD>) {
# Check for ^Port. If we don't see it we
# wont get confused by non-portslave-finger
# output too.
if (/^Port/) {
next if (!$Port_seen);
next if (/^---/);

($port, $user) = /^.(...) (...............)/;

$port =~ s/ .*//;
$user =~ s/ .*//;
$ulen = length($user);
# HACK: strip [PSC] from the front of the username,
# and things like .ppp from the end.
$user =~ s/^[PSC]//;
$user =~ s/\.(ppp|slip|cslip)$//;

# HACK: because ut_user usually has max. 8 characters
# we only compare up the the length of $user if the
# unstripped name had 8 chars.
$argv_user = $ARGV[3];
if ($ulen == 8) {
$ulen = length($user);
$argv_user = substr($ARGV[3], 0, $ulen);

if ($port == $ARGV[2]) {
if ($user eq $argv_user) {
print LOG " $user matches $argv_user " .
"on port $port" if ($debug);
close FD;
return 1;
} else {
print LOG " $user doesn't match $argv_user " .
"on port $port" if ($debug);
close FD;
return 0;
close FD;

sub totalcontrol_telnet {
# Added to determine whether a user is logged on to the
# Total Control using pmwho.

open (PMWHO, "$pmwho $ARGV[1]|");
while (<PMWHO>)
next if (/Port/);
next if (/---/);
($port, $user) = split;
$port =~ s/^S//;
$user =~ s/^[PSC]//;
$user =~ s/\.(ppp|slip|cslip)$//;

if ($port == $ARGV[2])
if ($user eq $ARGV[3]) {
print LOG " $user matches $ARGV[3] " .
"on port $port" if ($debug);
close (PMWHO);
return 1;
} else {
print LOG " $user doesn't match $ARGV[3] " .
"on port $port" if (debug);
close (PMWHO);
return 0;
close (PMWHO);

if ($debug) {
open(LOG, ">>$debug");
$now = localtime;
print LOG "$now checkrad @ARGV\n";

if ($#ARGV != 4) {
print LOG "Usage: checkrad nas_type nas_ip " .
"nas_port login session_id\n" if ($debug);
print STDERR "Usage: checkrad nas_type nas_ip " .
"nas_port login session_id\n";
close LOG if ($debug);

if ($ARGV[0] eq 'livingston') {
$ret = &livingston_snmp;
} elsif ($ARGV[0] eq 'cisco') {
$ret = &cisco_snmp;
} elsif ($ARGV[0] eq 'portslave') {
$ret = &portslave_finger;
} elsif ($ARGV[0] eq 'totalcontrol') {
$ret = &totalcontrol_telnet;
} elsif ($ARGV[0] eq 'other') {
$ret = 0;
} else {
print LOG " checkrad: unknown NAS type $ARGV[0]\n" if ($debug);
print STDERR "checkrad: unknown NAS type $ARGV[0]\n";
$ret = 2;

if ($debug) {
$mn = "login ok";
$mn = "double detected" if ($ret == 1);
$mn = "error detected" if ($ret == 2);
print LOG " Returning $ret ($mn)\n";
close LOG;


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