Re: (RADIUS) Secondary radius authentication server.

Chris Adams (
30 Apr 1998 13:37:33 GMT

According to Nick Waterman <>:
>Chris Adams said:
>> You can't log to syslog from a chrooted environment, since even if you
>> made it, /dev/log would not be read by syslogd.
>Hmm... Can you not hardlink them together?

I can't - different filesystem. I don't know in general, can you
hardlink to a named pipe?

>If not, you could always make a little daemon that listens to
>/foo/radius/dev/log and forwards all data to /dev/log - that OUGHT to

I guess you could. At first, I actually setup a syslogd in the chroot
environment. Then I just changed to have radiusd log to a file instead
of syslogd. Much easier!

Chris Adams -
System Administrator - Renaissance Internet Services
I don't speak for anybody but myself - that's enough trouble.
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