Re: (RADIUS) Secondary radius authentication server.

Per Hedeland (
Thu, 30 Apr 1998 17:58:38 +0200 (MET DST)

Chris Adams wrote:
>According to Nick Waterman <>:
>>Hmm... Can you not hardlink them together?
>I can't - different filesystem. I don't know in general, can you
>hardlink to a named pipe?

Of course - a hardlink is just an additional directory entry pointing to
the same inode - doesn't matter what "kind" of inode it is. Also, on
some systems (at least Solaris:-) /dev/log is not a named pipe or Unix
domain socket, but a "real" device - i.e. you should be able to just
create another instance of it in the chroot'ed area (actually it seems
syslog() on Solaris uses /dev/conslog instead - but that's a device

>>If not, you could always make a little daemon that listens to
>>/foo/radius/dev/log and forwards all data to /dev/log - that OUGHT to
>I guess you could. At first, I actually setup a syslogd in the chroot
>environment. Then I just changed to have radiusd log to a file instead
>of syslogd. Much easier!

Yet another solution (which I'd recommend:-) is to link with a syslog()
routine that logs to the UDP port syslogd listens to (514) - e.g. the
one included in the TIS Firewall Toolkit (there are probably others).

--Per Hedeland
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