Re: (PM) (ANNC) ComOS 4.0 released for PortMaster 4

Blaz Zupan (
Wed, 11 Nov 1998 23:58:47 +0100 (CET)

> What is wrong with 3.7.2c3 that makes it unusable on the boxen you mention?
> The only substantive improvements in 3.8 are v.90 support (irrelevant
> without digital modems) and the T1 and STAC card support modules (ditto).
> If I were Lucent RABU, I'd say "The PM2's last supported release of the
> operating system will be 3.7.2c3. No further development will be done on
> those models."
> If your comeback is "PMVision won't work on 3.7.x", then too bad. Upgrade
> to a current NAS if you want current features.

You got to be kidding or you got to be so stupid not to recognize it. We
bought _new_ PM2's a month or two ago. Lucent has a product they
still sell. They need to support products they sell. There a couple of
issues and a lot of missing features on the PM2 platform (and on the OR's

Where should I start? Horrible ISDN bugs on ISDN modules (ISDN going down
twice a day, anyone? - and no, it's not a telco problem - Lucent has a
pile of debug logs from me and they are just sitting on them and
scratching their heads it seems). No OSPF over dialup (ISDN backup for
frame relay anyone?). PMVision support. NAT. I could go on and on.

If _you_ don't use PM2's or OR's, don't assume nobody else does. Not
everybody lives in the United States and has 10 PM3's in every POP.


Blaz Zupan,,
Medinet d.o.o., Linhartova 21, 2000 Maribor, Slovenia

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