(PM) MCPPP oddity?

Jeff Haas (jmh@mail.msen.com)
Mon, 16 Nov 1998 12:46:11 -0500

This is another one of the "have any of you seen this" type of problems.

Customer dials up with Cisco 76*. He ends up with MCPPP connection.
(Unknown stuff happens in the middle.)
Customer has completely disconnected.
Customer reconnects, has problems.

The reason they are having problems is the virtual MCPPP connection
has NOT gone away.

Does anyone know of a chain of events that would cause this?

Livingston - please check your state machine - its missing something.

If anyone else notes a problem, I'll open a phone ticket on the issue.

Jeffrey Haas -+- jmh@msen.com -+- http://www.msen.com/~jmh 
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