Re: (PM) PRI problems (line0 down)

I don't work for Lucent RABU (
Thu, 19 Nov 1998 17:46:44 -1000 (HST)

On Thu, 19 Nov 1998, DumbKid wrote:

> Hi all,
> We have a PM3 suddenly showing line0 down. When do
> show all, it will show "NO-SERVICE" on S0-S22
> Using PMvision to enable debug on ISDN, it shows
> "D0: isdn_dsl_init"
> repeatedly.
> The PRI is perfectly fine since if I plug it into
> another PM3 that we have, it will work fine.
> Anybody experienced the same?? We called the tech
> support but it's been two days without reply.

something is wedged on the PM3. If you don't want to try moving the PRI
from line1 to line0 to test, then the only option is to reboot...
personally I would power cycle the box.

If this is a production machine, is it on ComOS 3.8? If so, I would just
call support again and get someone to call you back ASAP. That's my 2
cents ;)

Aloha from Paradise,


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