Re: (PM) PM2 and v.90

I don't work for Lucent RABU (
Fri, 20 Nov 1998 16:43:18 -1000 (HST)

On Fri, 20 Nov 1998, John Gonzalez/netMDC admin wrote:

> Rare? HA! We get BRI's here (just recently) for around $60/month (may be
> dropping soon) and PRI's run $1800/month :) That's quite a difference, and
> this is why the Adtran Atlas 800 looks Sooooo attractive right now.

John and others,

If you've done some research on the BRI -> something -> PM2 could you post
a listing of what you looked at? Meaning Manufacturer and Models. And if
you have time to also note comments on which you would pick and why?

I've noted on a couple of lists people asking these questions and it'd be
nice to have a single resource to reference them to.

Aloha from Paradise,


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