Re: (PM) appletalk

Rob Chandhok (
Mon, 23 Nov 1998 20:28:07 -0500

At 5:44 PM -0600 11/23/98, Jake Messinger wrote:
> Correct, Apple has replaced Appletalk which was proprietary, very slow,
> etc... with Ethernet/TCP/IP.

Aw shoot, I can't resist.

AppleTalk is a protocol stack. LocalTalk is a 230K cabling system.
AppleTalk can run on Ethernet, then it's generally referred to as
"EtherTalk". It can also run on Token Ring as "TokenTalk". Silly
names, but true.

Having written applications for both TCP/IP and AppleTalk, I can say
that they each have their strengths. The best part of AppleTalk was
dynamic discovery (NBP), which is being brought to the IP world
(finally) in things like the "Service Location Protocol"

That's why printers often ran AppleTalk - in fact, the driving force
behind AppleTalk's initial deployment was communication between a
network of Macs and those new-fangled LaserWriter printers from
Apple/Adobe. Gee. Plug-n-play - in the mid 1980's.

End of history lesson. :-)

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