(PM) CSU recommendations / OR-LS question / SLICs

Hewitt, Rod (Rod@cbsi.net)
Tue, 24 Nov 1998 16:14:20 -0500

A few questions:

1. Can someone recommend a good source of CSU/DSUs? I've looked around the
'net and there are too many too choose from so some guidance would be

2. The OR-LS has a max. sync data rate of 384Kbps - I have a client that
wants three of them initially to connect to a 64Kbps frame. Should he decide
down the road that the DS0 isn't enough, can I re-configure him to use a T1
connection as long as the CIR keeps below 384Kbps? Is the OR-LS limit of
384Kbps a sync port issue or a bandwidth inside the router issue?

3. I've recently discovered that my analog line at home is via a slic since
I get 26.4Kbps connections. I don't care too much since I also have ISDN but
for those times I want to surf the 'net watching the TV, it would be nice to
get something a little higher on my laptop's modem. Has anyone had any luck
pursuading telcos to remove the slick from the line?


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