Re: (PM) 28.8L K several times in a row....

Mark Zedwick (
Mon, 30 Nov 1998 18:23:10 -0800

This kind of thing happens because of the phone lines. I had a Telco guy
explain to me once the phone lines from a neighboorhood all go into one
box. (duh) Anyways, 400 houses will get 50 lines, and the lines. If a few
of these lines go bad because a mouse moved into the phone box, or the
water level has risen, (That never happens in Oregon), then you will get
poor connections sometimes, and better ones others.

I actually have one use who can't connect very well, or stay connected in
the mornings, but right about lunch time and on he connects fine. It's his
neighboorhood. And calling the phone company won't get jack done for you,
at least not in USWorst land.

At 01:05 AM 11/24/98 -0500, you wrote:
>I have a similar situation, and this is my own computer. Intel SE440BX MB w
>PII400, 64 MB, AGP, USR 568700 v.90 Flash Ver 4.10.0 (8/10/98) Win 98.
>Connecting to my PM3, CT1, COMOS 3.9, ESF, B8ZS, Sprint LEC. Not sure of
>switch type.
>I dial in connect at v.34 speeds (31.2K) disconnect, redial v.90 (49333 or
>50,666) disconnect, redial v.34, next two times v.90. All in a period of
>about 2 minutes. I can repeat this indefinitely.
>When I connect at 50K I can ftp from my local server and get 5K downloads
>without retrains.
>There is no pattern to the connect speeds, but its either 31.2K or 50K.
>This has happened on another identical system but Win 95 and flash ver
>4.9.1. And has been reported by several users.
>Any ideas?
>Mike K
>>> Ok, this is a strange problem. I have a user that has consistently been
>connecting at 49K, great - all is good in the world. He is using a USR 56K
>v.90 modem.
>>> Now, all of a sudden today, he had connected 3 or 4 times during the day
>and could only get on at 28.8...
>>> Now, what realm of a problem could this be? I've checked my line stats,
>and they are all what they were yesterday, and everyone else that I have
>seen log in today have connected at the same speed that they have been in
>the past - except this one client... This one client is also very important
>to me, so I want to do whatever it takes to make sure he gets back to
>>> -Tony
>>> -
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