Re: (RADIUS) Idle time-out?

Thomas C Kinnen (
Tue, 7 Apr 1998 12:02:18 -0400

>With our one site that uses a USR Total Control Server we set the idle
>time to 30min. although while someone is downloading a file it
>disconnects them. So it's disconnecting people that are not idle.
>I talked to USR Techsupport and they said the problem was because of the
>Radius Server.

The Radius Server does not tell the access server to hang up. All it can do
is send a idle time out or a session time limit value when the session is
started. More then likley it is a problem in how the USR figures out what
is idle and what is not. Try having the same people do something other then
download files. If it does not hang up after 30min then it is not a radius
problem. If it only happens when dowwnloading large files then it is
probally how it figures idle time.

Thomas Kinnen
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