Re: (RADIUS) NT Radius 2.01 b12

Scot W. Hetzel (
Wed, 8 Apr 1998 10:37:01 -0500

-----Original Message-----
From: Ken Tweedale <>

>Hi there,
>We have come across an unusual problem with NT RADIUS 2.01 b12.
>If a username has a space in it RADIUS will authenticate on the
>first word only. But RADIUS accounting will account to the
>full name:
>For instance:
>username: John Smith
>password: xyz
>will authenticate ok using john as the username, but accounting will
>account to username John Smith. The problem is that a user can be
>authenticated as either John or John smith but accounting will create
>different logs for both John and John Smith. As you can imagine this
>is a real pain.
>Any ideas?
Just one, don't use spaces in usernames. I believe later version of RADIUS,
put out a warning or ignore users with spaces in the user name.


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