(RADIUS) NT Radius 2.01 b12 (fwd)

MegaZone (megazone@megazone.org)
Wed, 8 Apr 1998 09:51:24 -0700 (PDT)

Once upon a time Ken Tweedale shaped the electrons to say...
>We have come across an unusual problem with NT RADIUS 2.01 b12.
>If a username has a space in it RADIUS will authenticate on the
>first word only. But RADIUS accounting will account to the
>full name:

Right - this is *ancient* news. It has ALWAYS been this way.

RADIUS authentication terminates a name on whitespace, but RADIUS
accounting doesn't do any parsing - it simply logs whatever the NAS sends
to it. And the NAS has what the user typed, not what was truncated.

RADIUS 2.0.1 UNIX solved this simply by failing ALL logins with embedded


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